Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Power!

This has been a record wet spring for this area.
After all the spring rains & few warm sunny days
the gardens here are loaded with color! (and weeds!)
I know last year was not like this!
I do love Bethlahem Sage the way the flower colors
keep changing. I need to look at calming colors
so I don't stress out about the weeding that lies ahead!
Sum & Substance Hosta looks prehistoric! Very cool!
Mixed Tulips I got from Breck's (the best bulbs I've ever gown!)

Sorry, no smell-a-vision! I've got big patches of these
Narcissus coming up all over. Talk about perky!

This handsome guy gets moved around my garden.
He looks so good next to anything chartreuce or yellow!

More Breck Tulips!
Half of these are gone for an arrangement!

Forget me nots!
I forgot about you! I don't even remember planting !

I am renovating a lot of my beds this year.

Need to consolidate. These learning gardens will be transformed!

Stay tuned.