Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Power of Lemon

My son Samuel tried to grow anything and everything this color. He grew 'Yellow Boy' Tomatoes, Yukon Gold Potatoes, Yellow Wax beans, dark yellow calendula he even tried growing Luffa which he said looked sorta yellow and these wonderfully fluffy lemon yellow marigolds! I wonder what color he will choose
this year?


  1. I... loves.... lemons. The flavor, actually, especially in desserts!

  2. Cate
    You post beautiful flowers!
    TODAY'S FLOWERS is a Meme of flowers, in all world.
    Your flowers can be seeing for many friends!
    Thanks for sharing!


  3. I love marigolds. It was one of my Mom's favorite plants. She liked how they look and the fact that they are beneficial for other plants. Thanks for bringing good memories.
